The Australian Afghan Hassanian Youth Association

Account Name: AAHYA
BSB: 062107
Account #: 11469775

International Aid and Relief

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The Australian Afghan Hassanian Youth Association is a Public Benevolent Institution and has a role to assist people affected by immediate and long term crisis. In the midst of such chaos and atrocity, AAHYA has been assisting families, individuals, migrants and refugees with relief packages such as food, clothing and educational materials. During the COVID-19 Pandemic AAHYA was able to assist over 200 families in Pakistan with clothing and direct relief of warm weather clothing. AAHYA also during the month of Ramadhan was able to assist over 300 families with Food packages being distributed across the poorest regions of Afghanistan including Kabul, Dasht- e Barchi. With the help of our international team and the hardworking team in Australia we continue to pursue greater relief for people who have absolutely nothing at all.

2020 AAHYA Winter Clothing Relief Aid Quetta Pakistan

2021 Ramadhan Food Package Distribution Afghanistan

2021 Eid Al Qurban Distribution in Afghanistan

AAHYA 2021 Financial Relief for displaced Afghan Refugee families and children

Financial Relief for Juma Ali who is a blind man that has 5 children and lives in Quetta, Pakistan.

2021 AAHYA food relief and distribution for Displaced Afghans

The Australian Afghan Hassanian Youth Association is a Public Benevolent Institution and has a role to assist people affected by immediate and long term crisis. In the midst of such chaos and atrocity, AAHYA has been assisting families, individuals, migrants and refugees with relief packages such as food, clothing and educational materials. During the COVID-19 Pandemic AAHYA was able to assist over 200 families in Pakistan with clothing and direct relief of warm weather clothing. AAHYA also during the month of Ramadhan was able to assist over 300 families with Food packages being distributed across the poorest regions of Afghanistan including Kabul, Dasht- e Barchi. With the help of our international team and the hardworking team in Australia we continue to pursue greater relief for people who have absolutely nothing at all.

Kidney transplant for Seyyed Ali Shah who is a man with both kidney failures and was in need of a Kidney Transplant.

2022 International aid and support to Bayati Zahra Madrasa in Afghanistan. AAHYA assisted the school with equipment’s such as educational materials and heating for the children to attend school during the cold winter in Afghanistan.

2022 Ramadan International Fund relief to Ghazni, Afghanistan Rd 1.

2022 Ramadan International Aid relief to Herat, Afghanistan Rd 2.

2022 AAHYA Water Well Project in Afghanistan

2022 Afghanistan Earthquake Appeal

2022 AAHYA Qurbani Distribution Rd 1.

2022 AAHYA Qurbani Distribution Rd 2.

2022 international aid relief to Tagab Male High School in Afghanistan Water Well Project

2022 international fund aid to Muhammad Rasulallah Mosque in Ghazni, Afghanistan!!

2022 AAHYA Flood Disaster Relieif Pakistan

2022 AAHYA Flood Disaster Relief Afghanistan

2022 AAHYA Flood Disaster Relief Afghanistan

International aid and relief to Benyamin Ahmadi, in Mazar, Afghanistan!! The Australian Afghan Hassanian Youth Association (AAHYA) provided funds to, Benyamin Ahmadi, a little boy from Mazar, Afghanistan, whom was recently diagnosed with neoplasm cancer. Unfortunately, his family had no funds to get him checked out and treated.

2023 Ramadan Round 1 Food Package distribution to the poor regions of Afghanistan.

2023 AAHYA Afghanistan youth soccer campaign

2023 AAHYA Round 2 Ramadan Food distribution

2024 Ramadan Round 1 Food package distribution in Ghazni Afghanistan

2024 Ramadan Round 2 Food package distribution in Kabul Afghanistan

2024 Ramadan Round 3 Food package distribution in Quetta Pakistan

2024 Ramadan Round 4 Food package distribution in Ghazni Afghanistan

Round 1 Eid Al Adha Qurbani Ghazni Afghanistan

Eid al Adha Qurbani Round 2 Ghazni Afghanistan

Eid Al Adha Qurbani Round 3 Herat Afghanistan

Eid Al Adha Qurban round 4 Mashhad Iran

2024 AAHYA Water well project Zaynabia Girls Primary School

2024 AAHYA Ambulance Service project afghanistan